Nothing lasts forever

Posted by siteadmin on Wednesday 6th December 2023.

One of the few things that has stayed with me from my school days, was something that one teacher used to say of ‘nothing lasts forever’. This is so true and applies in so many forms.

I’ve also heard it said by others, that we only have so many days that we’re given as a privilege to be on this planet. Which means that we have to live life to the full, as much as we can.

From a lifestyle financial planning perspective specifically, it’s about adopting a truly life-centred approach. That can really be appreciated and valued. Where we focus on providing clarity, by giving the individual choice and confidence. And ultimately, giving them peace of mind.

It answers questions like:-

  • Are we going to be OK?
  • How much can we spend without running out of money?
  • How much can we afford to give away to children and/or charity?
  • Can I afford that new car?
  • Can I afford to take that early-retirement package?

For some, it’s also about more basic things. Like the comfort of knowing that they can keep the heating on a little longer. Or that they’re able to choose as to which supermarket they shop at. Or even knowing that if the roof on their home needs fixing, that they have the ability to cover the costs. Without it having a negative impact on their lifestyle.

For others, it may even be about being harsh. And making people wake up. By getting them off their hamster wheel and taking their future seriously. Where they need to understand how much is enough.

What’s for sure is that nothing really does last forever. 

Remember that life is not a rehearsal, and we only get one crack at it. And although the money is important, it’s what we do with it that really counts.
