What have you got to lose?

Posted by siteadmin on Wednesday 2nd November 2022.

Looking through some books in my own personal library, I came across one I read some time ago entitled 'Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway'.

Glancing back through the book, the introduction sets out its objectives. It made some great points about people fearing new beginnings and endings, fearing change but also having anxiety about feeling stuck.

This for sure could apply to lifestyle financial planning too. However, unlike buying a piece of furniture for example, lifestyle financial planning is an intangible. It’s a process and experience, but one if done well, is highly enlightening with the end result. Until you’ve experienced it, it’s difficult to know or appreciate what it really is.

Core themes follow topics such as:- 

  • How can I live the life I want?
  • Can I afford to do so?
  • What if?

The biggest challenge for people once they’ve understood whether they can afford to live the life they want, and ultimately whether they now have control, is what to do next.

Being an unknown, the process of lifestyle financial planning by definition creates an element of fear. But fear can be healthy. Not least when we need to push our boundaries.

If there is a part of you that fears getting your life, as well your financial plans in order, you know what to do. Action is the first step to overcoming this. Feeling the fear is natural and going beyond the fear is necessary, and where you must be brave too.

So, what have you go to lose?

Remember that life is not a rehearsal, and we only get one crack at it. And although the money is important, it’s what we do with it that really counts.is not a rehearsal, and we only get one crack at it. And although the money is important, it’s what we do with it that really counts.
